Bathing with dolphins in Karde - Travel Time Article

Bathing with dolphins in Karde

I have heard a lot about dolphin spots and spots in the Maharashtra coast. When I heard about the beautiful beach in Karde near Dapoli where this activity takes place, we decided to do it. Karde is 300 kms from Mumbai and we reached within 5 hours from Mumbai. Quiet driving with the attractions on the road. The ambient temperature in winter was also very pleasant.
I found a beach hotel and after eating a delicious meal I asked the front desk how to see the dolphins. We were told that this was an early morning function and would take place the next morning. At 06:00 we were supposed to meet at the beach where the boat would take us to see the dolphins. On a lucky day there seemed to be a lot of them and we hoped for luck.
We spent the evening on the most pristine beach. The walk was inspiring. He

The sunset was as beautiful as ever.
Surprisingly, a jeep came for paragliding fans, I think it's called you

It's attached to a parachute and the jupe pulls you along the beach as you fly through the air for a few seconds and then land feeling great.
Dinner on delicious shrimp biryani followed by an informative dolphin safari. We were especially told to wear rubber shoes and bring a plastic bag to keep your valuables in because the sea water will definitely splash if you go out to sea. In short, we find ourselves in a cold and icy sea bath.
At dawn, as we waited on the beach for the boat to arrive and was overwhelmed by its beauty, I thought Sinhol Alive was a great advertisement. We felt at one with life and nature as the waves lapped gently at our feet and a gentle breeze swept away the drops of moisture from my lips and brows.

So the boat came in and the crew jumped in and after a sea briefing helped us put on our life jackets.
We boarded the boat and finally went to see the dolphins. The sun began its journey when it rose to flood the sky with amazing colors.

After about 15 minutes of sailing in the sea, the boatmen were enjoying themselves in the sea and saw some unknown shapes.

In the distance, yes, there were dolphins. We asked to take a closer look and were told that the sea was a bit rough and that it would offer us more if we were willing to bathe in the dripping sea water. We left in unanimous agreement. And soon the boat, which seemed big, suddenly seemed small, and began to bob up and down, splashing it with icy water. But it was fun playing with the Dolphins up close. Swimming with dolphins later was a great experience. No photos because we didn't have a waterproof camera.
However, here's a Cinthol video from a wonderful ocean bath.

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